Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not a girl - but a grown-up??

I think I now fall into the category of "Grown Woman" in the term of being 23 years old, married, etc. I still feel like a little kid. OK, so not little but freshman in college age. Will I grow out of this and what will it take? The reason I'm wondering is because lately I've been intensely pursuing of my passion - speaking to the female persuasion. I phrase it like that because, to date, I have only really spoken to middle and high school age girls and not older women. However, some of the potential opportunities for me would be geared more at speaking to women.

I feel very comfortable teaching "teen girl" topics such as dating, God's view on school, purity, etc. I struggle to think of more age appropriate topics for women, both my age and older. Thoughts or ideas? I know some things I deal with are envy (for me house envy these days), worry, and finding a balance. These three topics are going to develop into Bible studies I write in the near future. But what else? What topics would you want to hear about? And would someone in their 40's and 50's listen to a 20-something teach?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Simple yet forgotten

Yesterday I was reminded that the little things make a difference. I met up with one of our former students who started her first day of college. We met at Starbucks and talked for literally hours before I took her home. Later last night we had our last weekly Girls Bible Study of the summer. Because of promotion, I had a much smaller crew. So the three of us went to Campbells and ate ice cream (I was good and got sugar-free) while talking. We talked about what God thinks about school as related to homework, teachers, and friends. Then I took the 2 girls home. Earlier last week, I met up with one of our students for smoothies.

This past week or so has really helped to remind me that it doesn't take much to make a difference in these girls' lives. Being willing to go get a smoothie, a frappucino, or ice cream will stick with these girls far longer than what we actually talked about. The topics were important too - praying for a boyfriend, dealing with college, and reflecting Christ in how you do your homework. But knowing that an adult leader, the student pastor's wife, was willing to spend one-on-one time with them will last for a lifetime.

I still have women who I think about on a weekly basis who radically transformed my life, by spending time with me at Starbucks or meeting me for lunch. Who are you impacting? How are you impacting? What are topics you talk about during these one-on-one meetings?

Friday, August 21, 2009


Welcome! I am so excited to create this blog. The purpose of this blog is to provide creative ideas for Girls Ministry. Maybe you're asking what is Girls Ministry? That's a great question! The whole point is to focus on teaching and mentoring girls, typically grades 6th-12th.

I've been involved in this process since I was a Sophomore in high school. I started out as a camp counselor, then quickly moved into mentoring a couple of girls. We met regularly, looked at Scripture together, and sought to live as Daughters of the King - Christian women who were serving God. Eventually, I became a Sunday school teacher, started leading Bible Studies, and I led discipleship classes. I loved every minute of it!

I currently am a Student Pastor's wife, and teach a Girls Bible Study at our church. My dream is to get some of my studies published, as well as be a speaker for various church retreats and conferences. (If you're looking for someone and you're in the Tampa or Orlando area, please consider me.)

I know that I do not have the market cornered on effective Girls Ministry, nor do I have as much experience as others. I do, however, have a passion for women of all ages and want to share my knowledge with them as we live lives worthy of Christ's death. I will be sharing various ideas and past experiences on here, and hope to hear feedback on you for ideas to grow and reach out to more and more girls. I look forward to hearing from you!!

Thanks for stopping by!